Wednesday 2 September 2015

software - How to make a CP2K input file with Avogadro?

I am trying to learn to work with CP2K and now need to make its input file. CP2K has kind of adaptor for Avogadro2 but not Avogadro ( I don't know what is the relation between them !). I also tried that adaptor plugin with Avogadro2 but it does not work for me ( tried on Mac OS X Yosemite and Windows 7).

I searched a lot but seems there is no way to make CP2K inputs with Avogadro . Is there any ?


If you look at the CP2K website, you'll see that the coordinates are only a small fraction of the input file. Most of it is text describing how a calculation should be run.

The key parts from a coordinates perspective look like this:


ABC 12.4138 12.4138 12.4138
O 12.235322 1.376642 10.869880
H 12.415139 2.233125 11.257611
H 11.922476 1.573799 9.986994

As it looks, these are the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms (in regular space) and the unit cell vectors. You can either save the file in .XYZ format or use an input generator like GAMESS or Gaussian to get these coordinates.

If you want a periodic boundary calculation, you just need to estimate the bounding box. You can do this manually, or you can go to Crystallography | Add Unit Cell and then tweak the volume. In Avogadro v1.1.x, you'll see the ABC lattice vectors needed for that CP2K block.

As it might seem, Avogadro2 will be v2.0 of Avogadro. It's still in development.

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