I understand that entropy is defined as dS=dq/T for a reversible change but I fail to see why −G/T and −A/T can be thought of as 'disguised' entropies. This is a question on my problem sheet at university and my tutor has hinted: "You need to think about the total entropy change for a process".
The fundamental equation of (chemical) thermodynamics ΔG=ΔH–TΔS may be divided by
In this equation ΔHsysT is the entropy change of the system by “heat” exchange with the surroundings, hence ΔHsysT=−ΔSsurroundings. On this basis, the above equation may be identified as:
ΔSsys and ΔSsurroundings strive mutually to a maximum of ΔStotal.
ΔG is a disguised entropy change, because ΔH is intrinsically an entropy change too, as explained above.
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