Saturday, 26 September 2015

inorganic chemistry - Reaction of borax with NaOH

How does borax react with NaOH? My textbook says that sodium peroxoborate is formed. I couldn't find the reaction anywhere else. Can anyone verify as well as explain it?


The following reaction schemes are adapted from [1, pp. 76–77]. Amorphous borax NaX2BX4OX7 forms tetrahydroxoborate in concentrated sodium hydroxide solution:


Upon fusion sodium metaborate is formed:

NaX2BX4OX7+2NaOH700750 C4NaBOX2+HX2O

In order to form peroxoborate, a peroxide should be introduced in the first place, e.g. by using hydrogen peroxide (see also Preparation of Sodium Peroxoborate):



  1. R. A. Lidin, V. A. Molochko, and L. L. Andreeva, Reactivity of Inorganic Substances, 3rd ed.; Khimia: Moscow, 2000. (in Russian)

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