Saturday, 30 July 2016

matlab - Fourier Transform of Morlet wavelet Function?

As you know the Morlet wavelet function is given by: 1πfbet2fbej2πfc

The Fourier transform of this equation is: eπ2fb(ffc)2 (is it right)?
First I attempted to plot the FFT of Morlet function by FFT function in Matlab, then I've plotted the Fourier transform function directly. I've expected to see same plots, but unfortunately they have different magnitude (why?). I publish the plot and my codes, do you have any idea why this happened? Is there any problem in my codes? Or any problem in the obtained Fourier transform? Or any problem in Matlab built-in FFT function?

enter image description here I wrote this script to get those plots:

clear all;
fS = 500;
tStart= -4;
tStop= 4;
timeVector = linspace(tStart,tStop, (tStop-tStart)*fS );
fC = 2;
timeMask = zeros(1,length(timeVector));
timeMask((timeVector >= -fB/2) & (timeVector <= fB/2)) = 1;

psiWavelet = ((pi*fB))^(-0.5).*... % Morlet function
exp(2*1i*pi*fC.*timeVector).*exp(-timeVector.^2/fB); % Morlet function
% FFT plot by matlab bulit-in FFT function
Nfft =10*2^nextpow2(length(timeVector));
FFT =fftshift(abs(fft(psiWavelet,Nfft)));
freqs=[0:Nfft - 1].*(fS/Nfft);
freqs(freqs >= fS/2) = freqs(freqs >= fS/2) - fS;

plot(freqs, FFT);
xlim([-1 5]);
xlabel('Frequency / Hz');
title (sprintf('Fourier Transform'));
% FFT plot by its direct fourier transfrom function
xlim([-1 5]);


If you approximate the Fourier transform


by the discrete Fourier transformation for by sampling on the time segment [T,T] as


with T=Nτ, fn=n/(Nτ)=n/Nfs=n/T, n=N,...,N1, s the result of FFT on the sampled x sequence after shift, ...

then you have to multiply the result of the FFT method by τ=T/N=1/fs.

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