Wednesday 23 September 2015

Can a gentile pray in a synagogue?

I am an 18 year old male interested in converting to Judaism, I have been reading the Tanakh amongst other things and have been learning more about the religion. My question pertains as to whether or not it is acceptable for me to recite certain psalms and say some personal prayers of thanks and desires inside of a synagogue. The synagogue that I plan on visiting is more of a historic site (The one in Heritage Park San Diego) so I wont be disrupting any kind of a service. I just want to make sure that I am not doing something that could offend people or be theologically incorrect, I believe in G-d (In the Abrahamic sense) but am unavailable for conversion at this point in my life.

I am aware that there are certain blessings such as the shabbat one which Gentiles cannot recite

Also should I wear a Kippah?

Thank you for your time

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