Thursday 24 September 2015

organic chemistry - Hydrolysis of 4-chloro-3,3-dimethylbut-1-ene forms which products much faster than primary alkyl halides?


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My Attempt

First a primary carbocation is formed and then methyl shift occurs to form a more stable secondary carbocation hence making (C) the major product, consequently I also arrived at answer (D) via hydride shift, and also option (A) would anyway be a possible product.

But the answer given is (B). Where am I going wrong?


Apparently, (B) is wrong for obvious reasons.

  1. The product formed fastest will be kinetically determined. Shifting of bonds takes time so the fastest formed product will be the the one where minimum migrations occur hence (A).

  2. As @orthocresol stated below, a stable compound similar to cyclopropylmethyl carbocation is forming here. "The double bond helps to kick out the chloride ion to give a stabilised carbocation, which makes it react much faster than usual". Hence product (A) will be favored thermodynamically too (refer).
    enter image description here

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