Thursday 24 September 2015

halacha - Can I cause a Melacha to happen in a place where Shabbat has already started?

Can I cause a Melacha to happen in a place where Shabbat has already started? For example, if I live in New York, could I send a fax (causing the machine to print a document) to Israel on Friday afternoon, before it is Shabbat for me, but after Shabbat has started there?


The Shut Hor Yizchak (Hor Hachaim 157) says that not only it is OK, but the question not even starts ("he did nothing"). The example he gives is to call from Israel to the States on Motzei Shabat. In Israel it is after Shabat and in the States the Shabat is still on. He adds that it is even permissible to phone a non Jew and ask him to do work for you.

I read a shiur that discusses whether the commandment to rest on Shabat is for the Jew or for Creation (World?). For those who are of the opinion that the commandment is for Creation to rest, this will not be permissible. The Grm"o Fraind is brought as a posek that follows this opinion, but the majority of the poskim permit it.

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