Tuesday 29 September 2015

word choice - What's the difference between the kanji forms for わかる?

The verb わかる can be written using either 分かる, 判る, or 解る - what's the semantic difference between these forms, if any?


The answer lies in the kanji. This data is from EDICT/Jim Breen's kanji lookup:

  • 分: "...understand; know..."

  • 解: "unravel...explanation; understanding; untie; undo; solve; answer...explain..."

  • 判: "judgement; signature; stamp; seal"

分かる is clearly the most common - just to know or understand something:

私は日本語が分かります。 I know/understand Japanese.

解る implies understanding of a problem, not simple knowledge.

やっとあの数学の問題が解りました。 At last (I) figured out that math problem.

Which implies to me that you solved the problem. If I read the same sentence with 分かりました, I might not think twice -- but it could also mean that you didn't spend any time solving it at all; you already knew how to solve it (and therefore did so immediately).

判る is probably the least common use I've seen in the wild.

Because the word "judgement" is connected to it, ala 判断 (はんだん), so if a judgement was made that something WAS something, that might be 判る. A cursory Google search yielded this Yahoo! page which indicated the same.

Now that (we) found fingerprints at the scene, it's only a matter of time before (we) know/figure out who the criminal is.

DISCLAIMER: These sentences and translations are my own, and I'm no translator, nor a native speaker!

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