Friday, 25 September 2015

organic chemistry - Theoretical basis behind orbital correlation diagram for pericyclic reactions

When discussing pericyclic reactions, the Woodward-Hoffman rules allow one to predict whether a reaction will be thermally/photochemically allowed. This has been discussed in many questions on chem.SE, but essentially boils down to the following statement:

A ground-state pericyclic change is symmetry allowed when the total number of (4q+2)s and (4r)a components is odd.

What the Woodward-Hoffman rules fail to explain however is why the reaction is allowed. Several explanations exist, such as the Huckel aromaticity of the transition states, however by far the most 'powerful' explanation is supposedly given by a well drawn orbital correlation diagram. Fleming devotes an entire section in his book on the topic of how to draw these diagrams:

"Correlation diagrams provide a compelling explanation, at least for those reactions that have well-defined elements of symmetry preserved throughout the reaction. The idea is to identify the symmetry elements maintained throughout the reaction, classify the orbitals undergoing change with respect to those symmetry elements, and then see how the orbitals of the starting materials connect with those of the product. The assumption is that an orbital in the starting material must feed into an orbital of the same symmetry in the product, preserving the symmetry throughout the reaction. Substituents, whether they technically break the symmetry or not, are treated as insignificant perturbations on the orbitals actually undergoing change."

enter image description here

Fig 1: Fleming, Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions- Reference Edition, 2010, Wiley

As far as I can find, and from recollection, Longuet-Higgins at Cambridge was the first person to use correlation diagrams to explain pericyclic processes (as per figure 2 below), but again, there's no explanation as to why this works.

enter image description here

Fig 2: Early (beautiful) example of a correlation diagram as applied to an electrocyclic reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87, 2045. (DOI)

To make an analogy to molecular orbital theory, clearly, correlation diagrams are simply 'mixing' things of the same symmetry (in this case A or S relative to some axis rather than the more expanded set of symmetry labels from group theory), but there seems to be little / no care in correlation diagrams as for the relative energies of the things being mixed. Is anyone able to explain the why of a correlation diagram?



Instead of the usual cycloadditions (which has some extra complications in terms of the reacting orbitals), let's consider the concerted reaction HX2+DX22HD. We'll come back to the cycloadditions at the end.

reaction scheme

occurring via a square planar transition state. This can be analysed with the W–H rules and you'll find that it's a thermally forbidden process (σ2s+σ2s). So, hopefully that's what we find at the end of this discussion.

Ignoring the isotope labels,1 there is D2h symmetry throughout the reaction, so we will categorise the orbitals by their symmetry in this D2h point group.2 I've defined the coordinate axes such that the reaction takes place in the xy-plane, with the z-axis perpendicular to the plane of the paper.

There is one simplification which can be made: the symmetry of an orbital under the three mirror planes uniquely specifies the irreducible representation under which an orbital transforms. Hence, in order to identify the point group, we don't need to bother with the symmetry under the five other operations (identity, three rotations, and inversion); we simply need to find the symmetry under the three reflections.3

Reactant and product orbitals

The relevant MOs will be constructed from linear combinations of the 1s orbitals on each atom. First, we look at the orbitals of the reactants, labelled ψ1 through ψ4. We will overlap the 1s orbitals on adjacent atoms to produce σ and σ orbitals for both HX2 and DX2. However, since these MOs do not have definite symmetry under all the mirror planes, we need to take linear combinations of these MOs.

Reactant MOs

Hopefully the energy ordering of these MOs is clear (I actually listed them in increasing order of energy). It can be deduced from the extent of antibonding/bonding character between each pair of 1s orbitals.

The product MOs, labelled with ϕ1 through ϕ4, have a very similar form. It should not really be surprising, as the system is exactly the same, just rotated 90 degrees.

Product MOs

Orbital correlation diagrams

We can define a reaction coordinate x, such that x=0 before the reaction (i.e. reactants) and x=1 after the reaction (i.e. products). Over the course of the reaction, there will always be four MOs; and these four MOs will always transform as Ag+B1g+B2u+B3u, regardless of what the value of x is. This has to be the case because the basis set (four 1s orbitals) transforms as a representation which can be reduced into that sum.

As the reaction proceeds, the positions of the nuclei vary continuously. Therefore, the Hamiltonian, and also the energies of these MOs εi (i=1,2,3,4), will vary as the reaction proceeds, so εi is a continuous function of x. The orbital correlation diagram simply plots how εi varies with x. There will be four curves on the diagram: one for the MO with symmetry Ag, one for the MO with symmetry B1g, and so on.

In theory, one could find the MOs and their energies at every value of x, and then you would find four curves, one for each i. However, for a qualitative understanding, this isn't necessary. We already know the approximate values of εi(0) and εi(1), and we also know the MOs to which these values correspond. So all we need to do is to figure out which reactant MO ψi correlates with which product MO ϕj.

From the symmetry labels, this mapping is quite self-evident, as the Ag reactant MO must become the Ag product MO, and so on.

Orbital correlation diagram

In this example, it also makes physical sense that as the reaction proceeds, the reactant MO ψ2 will simply become the product MO ϕ3 (pictured above). For other correlation diagrams, there is a subtlety, but it is a point we will return to later on.

State correlation diagrams

Orbital correlation diagrams are all fine and dandy, but they can be put on a much more solid footing by constructing the relevant state correlation diagrams. I have deliberately avoided using the word "state" up until now. Here, "state" refers to an electronic state of the system as a whole.4 The simplest expression for an electronic state is given by a Slater determinant, and we will simply abbreviate it to the usual form that the organic chemists do. For example, in the ground state of the reactants, we can write


where the antisymmetrisation is implicit. The use of capital Ψ instead of small ψ emphasises that this is a total electronic state of a system. The subscript 1 indicates that it is the ground state.

The electronic states of the reactants are well-described by single Slater determinants. For a system with 4 MOs and 4 electrons, there are a total of 8!/4!4!=70 states, and so theoretically we need to look at Ψ1 through Ψ70. However, it suffices to consider the first three singlet states (the triplet states can be ignored5). These are


which transform as Ag, B1g, and Ag respectively.6 Likewise we will consider the three product states


which transform as Ag, B1g, and Ag respectively.

The state correlation diagram plots the energies of these states Ei as they vary with the reaction coordinate x, so the question is again: which reactant state Ψi correlates with which product state Φj.

Let's first make the assumption that a single Slater determinant is sufficient to describe an electronic state, throughout the entire reaction coordinate. In this case, the assignment is very straightforward. Since ψ1 and ψ2 in the reactants smoothly become ϕ1 and ϕ3, it means that the reactant state Ψ1=ψ21ψ22 must smoothly become the product state Φ3=ϕ21ϕ23 as the reaction coordinate increases. A similar consideration for the other states leads to the diagram below.

State correlation diagram... part 1

Let's pause for a moment and figure out what this diagram means. It means that this molecular Hamiltonian has three approximate solutions under consideration; we label these solutions as S1, S2, and S3. The first approximate solution, S1, can be described as a Slater determinant:


where f and g are MOs which vary with x. At the point x=0, we have f=ψ1, g=ψ2, and hence S1=ψ21ψ22=Ψ1. As x increases, ψ1 continuously distorts towards ϕ1, eventually becoming ϕ1 when x=1, and likewise ψ2 continuously distorts towards ϕ3. Therefore the state S1 continuously distorts from Ψ1 to Φ3. Similar statements can be made of S2 and S3.

Now, we introduce the key assumption that the reaction must proceed adiabatically. This can be formalised very thoroughly in quantum mechanics, but essentially, it means that the state of the system cannot jump from one curve Si to another curve Sji. I'm not entirely sure about the justification for this, but Patterson has written about it in an article:7

A W–H allowed reaction pathway conserves R (reactant) and P (product) nodal geometries, which in turn guarantees continuous covalent bonding along an adiabatic reaction pathway that takes the reactants through a transition state and on into products. A W–H forbidden pathway can either maintain this continuous bonding (interaction energy between R and P) along an adiabatic pathway and generate products in excited electronic states, or disrupt reactant nodal geometry or bonding to reach diabatically (or nonadiabatically) a lower-energy pathway to products. [...] Continuous bonding is energetically more favorable than either nonbonding or antibonding interactions.

Therefore, if we start the system in the state Ψ1 and allow the reaction to proceed, it has to either end up in the product excited state Φ3 (as far as this treatment tells us); if it ends up in the product ground state Φ1, then there must be some disruption of continuous bonding. Both of these possibilities are energetically costly, and therefore the reaction is forbidden.

Configuration interaction

That gave us the correct result, but not for the correct reason. The problem is that this assumes that there is no interaction between S1 and other states Sn. Mathematically speaking, this means that in the basis {S1,S2,S3} the Hamiltonian is assumed to be diagonal,8 such that


The question is, is this true? It turns out that, because the Hamiltonian transforms as the totally symmetric irreducible representation (TSIR), the matrix elements Hij=Si|ˆH|Sj generally only vanish if Si and Sj are of different symmetry. Therefore, if two states Si and Sj have the same symmetry, there will often be an off-diagonal element Hij. This is the case with S1 and S3 in our example above.

As x increases, the energies of S1 and S3 approach each other, and these two states mix into each other. The new electronic states are therefore linear combinations of our original solutions, S1 and S3. Since S1 and S3 are Slater determinants, the new electronic states are linear combinations of Slater determinants. This process of mixing different electronic states into the wavefunction is commonly known as configuration interaction (CI).

So much for the states; we're not really all that interested in them. The energies are more valuable. It turns out that the presence of this off-diagonal element leads to the non-crossing rule:9 two curves corresponding to states of the same symmetry cannot cross each other. Instead, they are repelled, and there is said to be an avoided crossing. The repulsion is most pronounced when the energies are close to each other, i.e. near the middle of the diagram. The state correlation diagram must be modified to reflect this. The coefficients a and b in the linear combinations must fulfil the criterion |a|2+|b|2=1.

State correlation diagram... part 2

Within this framework, we can refine our argument for why the reaction is forbidden. In fact, the transition from Ψ1 (reactant ground state) to Φ1 (product ground state) is adiabatic; however, there is an extremely large electronic activation energy to it, on the order of an electronic excitation energy, which cannot be provided by thermal means.

Real pericyclic reactions

You might notice that the orbital correlation diagram that we drew above is actually similar to that for the disrotatory ring-opening of cyclobutene. The principles are exactly the same, and the state correlation diagram can be constructed exactly analogously (and in fact, the state correlation diagram for this process is found in Fig. 2 of the question), and of course we find that this reaction is thermally forbidden. But, as I alluded to earlier, there is a slight subtlety. Here is the orbital correlation diagram:

Orbital correlation diagram for disrotatory opening of cyclobutene

Unlike in our first example, there is no obvious one-to-one correspondence between the form of the reactant MOs and the form of the product MOs. For example, it's not obvious why π has to transform into ϕ3 and not ϕ1. It turns out that both ϕ1 and ϕ3 are actually linear combinations of what π and σ become in the new geometry.

pi and sigma MOs

In the reactant, cyclobutene, the π and σ MOs cannot mix by symmetry: there is an additional mirror plane (the plane in which the molecule lies), and π is antisymmetric and σ symmetric with respect to that mirror plane. However, when the reaction proceeds, the symmetry of the system is decreased, and these orbitals are allowed to mix and form linear combinations.

In our earlier example of HX2+DX2HD+HD, the reactant MO ψ2 does physically become the product MO ϕ3, as was fairly obvious from the nodal pattern. However, in this situation where there is orbital mixing, it cannot be said that the π orbital physically becomes ϕ3 as the reaction proceeds. This point was emphasised by Patterson7 and was also described by Woodward and Hoffmann10 in their review of their rules (pp 797 onwards).

So, the correspondence should be determined using symmetry and the non-crossing rule (which also applies to MOs), without recourse to the form of the MOs.

Another example is that of the Diels–Alder reaction. If you look at the π MO of ethylene (the second-lowest reactant MO), you find that it becomes the π MO of the product cyclohexene. It makes no physical sense to claim that somehow the MO migrated through several carbons over the course of the reaction. Instead, it is more accurate to say that the three symmetric product MOs are linear combinations of what the three symmetric reactant MOs become over the course of the reaction.

Notes and references

  1. If you're really bothered by it, you can change the reaction to HH+HHHH+HH. But that's just confusing.

  2. The square planar transition state has a higher symmetry of D4h. However, since D2h is a subgroup of D4h, all the symmetry elements in D2h will be preserved in D4h symmetry, but not vice versa. For example, the transition state possesses a C4 rotation axis but neither the reactants nor products do. Therefore, we cannot categorise the reactant or product MOs by their symmetry under a C4 rotation; it only makes sense to categorise the orbitals using the more general D2h point group. In organic chemistry parlance, this is what is meant by "identify the symmetry elements that are preserved throughout the reaction".

  3. In organic chemistry, it is "conventional to be less formal with the notation" (Atkins's words; Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4ed, p 400), and so the irrep symbols are replaced with a series of S's (for a character of +1) and A's (for a character of -1). For example, the B1u irrep would be labelled as ASS since it has characters of 1,+1,+1 under the three mirror planes.

  4. The reason why I have never referred to an MO as a "state of an electron" is because of quantum indistinguishability of the electrons, which necessitates that Ψ be properly antisymmetrised. If the Slater determinant (eq. (1)) is expanded, it will become clear that the state of electron 1 is entangled with the state of all the other electrons. The wavefunction Ψ cannot be factorised into a product of composite wavefunctions, and so, it is physically incorrect to speak of an electron being in an orbital.

  5. The triplet states can be ignored because spin states are orthogonal. Therefore, for a singlet reactant to end up as a triplet product, there must be a non-adiabatic transition somewhere, and a key assumption is that the process is adiabatic.

  6. The symmetry of a state is obtained by taking direct products of the populated MOs.

  7. Patterson, R. T. An Improved Interpretation of the Woodward–Hoffmann Rules. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76 (7), 1002–1007. DOI: 10.1021/ed076p1002.

  8. The diagonal entries of ˆH are dependent on x, and hence the (approximate) eigenstates Si and (approximate) eigenvalues Ei also vary with x. The basis set {S1,S2,S3} is also dependent on x, but we don't really need to worry about how it depends on x are we are only looking for a qualitative description of the process.

  9. In the case of two states mixing, the proof is simple: if you use the basis states {|a,|b} the Hamiltonian is H=(HaaHabHbaHbb)

    and the eigenvalues are E±=(Haa+Hbb)±(HaaHbb+4|Hab|2)2
    since Hba=Hab. Then E+ can only be equal to E if Hab=0.

    In general I don't want to prove it, because I don't know how to, but a useful reference for this is: Mead, C. A. The "noncrossing" rule for electronic potential energy surfaces: The role of time‐reversal invariance. J. Chem. Phys. 1979, 70 (5), 2276–2283. DOI: 10.1063/1.437733.

  10. Woodward, R. B.; Hoffmann, R. The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1969, 8 (11), 781–853. DOI: 10.1002/anie.196907811

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