Wednesday 30 September 2015

halacha - Saying 100 Berachoth in a day

What is the source for the idea that one should say 100 Berachoth in a day, and how serious of an obligation is this? Is it mandatory, is it laudatory, or is it merely a nice idea?


From the Tur (Orach Chaim 46): It is from a braisa based on pesukim. According to Natronai gaon, David haMelech set it into halacha to stop the deaths of 100 Jews daily where the spiritual cause of there death was unknown until "he delved and understood with ruach hakodesh and fixed" the 100 brachos.

So, it an obligation and is brought so in the Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 46:3). Many have shown how if one davens appropriately, with the exception of shabbos, your 100 are covered.

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