Tuesday 22 September 2015

halacha - What is the actual temperature of Yad Soledes?

What is the actual temperature of Yad Soledes?


As with everything, there are many different opinions. This is probably in large part because the Talmud (Shabbat 40A) doesn't give a temperature, but rather says that Yad Soledet Bo is "hot enough to scald a baby's stomach".

Here are some of the temperatures given:

From here, based on Shabbos KeHalachah by Rabbi Y. Farkash:

Most Poskim agree that Yad Soledes Bo is between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius (104-113 Fahrenheit), or approximately 110 degrees Fahrenheit. (Shabbos KeHalachah, p. 24.)

There are (at least) 15 opinions from various Poskim brought here, each one with sources (which I didn't look up). I'll quote the ones that have numbers:

  • Chelkas Yakov (YD 44:3): If water gets between 50 and 70 degrees (Celsius), this is Yad Soledes Bo -- (between 122 and 158 Fahrenheit).

  • Igros Moshe

    • (OC 4:74): It is proper to be stringent to be concerned lest 43 degrees is Yad Soledes Bo. There is a Safek until 71 degrees. That is surely Yad Soledes Bo, even to be lenient. -- (43C == 109F and 71C == 160F)

    • (YD 2:52): Yad Soledes Bo is about 79 degrees, to be stringent. (79C == 174F)

    • (YD 3:31): Surely, 74 degrees is Yad Soledes Bo. (74C == 165F)

  • Minchas Yitzchak (7:61): Sixty degrees is surely Yad Soledes Bo. (60C == 140F)

  • Minchas Shlomo: I say that there is no concern less than 45 degrees. (45C == 113F)

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