Thursday, 10 September 2015

passover - Israeli making pizza on last day of Pesach in the Diaspora

A Jew who lives in the U.S. own a pizza store. He wants to be sure that he has plenty of fresh pizzas ready to sell as soon as Pesach is over. So, before Pesach, he sells his chametz to his Israeli brother. The Israeli brother sells his chametz, including the batch brought from his U.S. brother, via his rav in Israel. Now the Israeli brother flies to the U.S. for Pesach. Since the Israeli does not celebrate the 8th day of Pesach, and the chametz has been bought back by the Israeli rav, the Israeli goes to the pizza store and bakes pizzas on our 8th of Pesach. Is there any problem with this procedure? Can one buy the pizza after Pesach?

BTW - the gates to the pizza store are down so there is no problem of mares ayin if someone from the neighborhood passed by the store on the 8th day of Pesach and saw it open. There MAY be some questions when people come in after Pesach and wonder how so many pizzas were baked so quickly after the end of Yom Tov.

We can also assume that even if there is a requirment for the Israeli to "observe" the 8th day of Yom Tov, the fire was lit from a pre-existing flame, so there is no melacha involved. We can further assume that he was not preparing for after Yom Tov since the Israeli ate some of the pizza, himself.

Please focus your answers on the issue of the chametz problem only; not the melacha problem, as there is none involved. Food preparation is permitted on Yom Tov.

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