Friday, 18 September 2015

halacha theory - Retroactive psak and conversions


I constantly read about Orthodox conversions which are retroactively nullified by the Israeli Rabbanut, sometimes affecting multiple generations. I am not writing this question to express nor solicit any opinions on the matter (I believe there may be strong arguments in both directions, but that it is our religious duty as Jews to trust the rabbinate). However, I am interested in the mechanism by which this works.

What is the role of "revised psak" and what are its parameters? Is it possible to pasken retroactively about the no-longer-living? How, if at all, does the existence of a previous psak by the rabbis of their generation limit the reach of the rabbis in ours?

If it is a question of "new information" entering the case -- such as, G-d forbid, a question about the righteousness of the converting rabbis -- why aren't rabbonim constantly reevaluating past piskei din of all kinds in the light of "new information"?

Note: I am aware of these two questions and strongly believe this is not a duplicate.

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