Tuesday, 8 September 2015

halacha - Changing location mid-way during Shemoneh Esrei?

In one of these hopefully rare events, I’ve found myself needing to daven Shemoneh Esrei in a hotel lobby. I tried finding a quiet place, only to realise mid-way one of the workers telling me I was not supposed to be there.

I had to move my location some distance away from my initial location, and then continue with Shemoneh Esrei. In such a situation, would my tefillah be acceptable? Or, should I have to restart from the beginning after I changed positions?

This was Maariv ... would it make any different if this was Mincha (or even Shacharit)?

Furthermore, what are the acceptable and non-acceptable reasons to permit change of location during Shemoneh Esrei?


The Mishna Brura 104:10 rules that a "hefsek tfila" (a pause in prayer) is only speaking and not walking. So in case of need (he speaks of danger), it is permitted to move and pick up prayer from the new location, but one should not speak. If there is no need, then one should not change his place.

The poskim in Israel say clearly that in case of danger (e.g., animals, rockets), one has to change his place (e.g., to go to a shelter). See for instance R Shlomo Aviner here.

See here for a related MY question with sources on the need to restart or not from the start depending how long the interruption is.

I would assume (but don't have a source) that it is better to change places at the end of a brakha if one doesn't endanger his life by doing so.

PS. There is a logic to this as well. During shmone esre we are speaking to the King of the World. Interrupting this discussion by speaking with someone else is problematic. Changing place and continuing the discussion - much less so.

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