Wednesday 1 July 2015

word choice - Have you tried XYZ before?

I English I can ask somebody if they've experienced or sampled a food or drink, or even an activity with this verb:

  • Here try this and tell me if you like it.

  • I tried koregusu once but I didn't like it.

  • You don't have to eat it but at least try it.

  • I like spicy food so I really want to try taka-no-tsume.

  • You can't say you don't like tequila if you never even tried a good one!

Non-food/drink examples:

  • Did you ever try scuba diving?

  • I tried hitchhiking once but I prefer to travel by bicycle.

I'm having trouble finding a word, phrase, or pattern, to express this sense of try.(I know it overlaps with the other senses of try in English.)

These are the closest Japanese terms I could find. Do they do the job?

  • 味わう

  • 嘗める

  • 試す

  • 味見する

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