Saturday 25 July 2015

halacha - Can we argue with gedolim when we are sure that we are right?

I recently saw a teshuva by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Ohrach Chaim Volume 1 Teshuva 109, that quotes a letter from Rabbi Menashe Klein asking a question on Rabbi Moshe's psak but saying that he does not mean to argue with a Gadol! Rabbi Moshe replies with a long Hakdomo, saying how a person is allowed and must argue when he sees the truth somewhere else even if it means going more lenient. I wondered if this comes with any restrictions, as in how good do you have to be to able to confidently argue with a gadol?

Perhaps you have to been through the sugya yourself?

Perhaps you have to be a rov?

Perhaps you have to be Reb Menashe Klein?


Rav Moshe gives no litmus test. But one must be honest with themselves, and learn as much as possible, and double check their understanding.

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