Friday 31 July 2015

halacha - Tefilin with obstruction on hand

How should one tie his shel yad on his hand if his finger(s) have something on them, such as a splint for a broken bone in the left middle finger?


The Rama rules (OC 27:4 based on Teshuvat HaRashba 1:827) that there is only a problem of a chatzitza (separation between the tefillin and the skin) under the boxes not the straps. The Mishna Berura there (sk 16) notes that most later authorities only accept this for the parts of the straps that do not directly relate to the tying (ie. the parts between the box and the knots). In your case, where the potential chatzitza is very far away from the box, it shouldn't be much to worry about.

Furthermore, Rav Ovadia Yosef rules (Yabia' Omer 2 OC 2) that one need not remove his watch when putting on his tefillin because it is far enough away from the box. Seemingly he would agree that in your case (especially since there is a medical need) you may be lenient and not worry about a chatzitza.

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