Thursday 30 July 2015

avot patriarch fathers - Why does Rashi not comment on the repetition of the word “shono” in the age of Yishmoel?

Rashi comments on the repetition of the word “shono” in the ages of both Soroh Braishis 23 (1) and Avrohom Braishis 25 (7). Why is there no comment for the age of Yishmoel which also repeats “shono” Braishis 25 (17).


We find 4 ways in which the amount of years they lived are presented:

  1. (Breshit 5:6 onwards) From Sheth to Noach (Including Noach): "And all their days were..."

  2. (Breshit 25:17) Yishmael: "And the years of his life were..."

None of these have anything special that invites a question. You may ask why the change between days and years but we saw Rashi in Breshit 24:25 that days may mean a year.

  1. (Breshit 23:1) Sarah: But when we see the pasuk about Sarah it says after giving the amount ".. the days of her life." This addition asks for an explanaition ("Omer darsheni"), which is why Rashi explained what he did.

  2. (Breshit 25:7) Avraham: Here too we see an addition: "The days ot the years of Avraham's life which he lived.." which Rashi felt had to be explained.

Now the repetition of the word "years" following the units is a common way of saying it, maybe to teach us that the years of someone's life are not just a number.

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