Thursday 23 July 2015

Closed caskets for Jewish burials

In the United States (and possibly other countries), what are the reasons behind Jewish funerals always having closed caskets?


Out of respect for the deceased, we do not put bodies on display. Even the mourners (the immediate family) only look long enough to confirm identity. As Dr. Ron Wolfson writes at My Jewish Learning: "The deceased is a [nireh v'ayno roeh], someone who is seen but who cannot see. To open the casket and allow people to look at the deceased is to turn the comforters into spectators and the deceased into an 'it'."

From the moment of death the body is treated with respect. There is a process of taharah, cleaning and dressing the body for burial, usually performed by a community's chevra kadisha, who are specially trained in this. The body is also watched by a shomer at all times.

Judaism 101 provides an accessible overview of burial and mourning practices. That site says that not displaying the body is halacha (not just custom) but does not cite a source. You might also find this essay (Chabad) enlightening.

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