Friday 31 July 2015

halacha - Does closing a browser with His name count as a sin?

Possible Duplicate:

Hashems name on device
Is it permissible to erase the name of G-d from an E-reader?
What are the practical limits of shaimos in the common era?

Forgive me if I get some of the conventions wrong in this question; I'm a non-Jew. After listening to the "This American Life" podcast, specifically episode #332. I was struck by the story of young Shalom and how his rabbi would not permit him to write his name on papers. My understanding of the situation is that it is a sin to destroy the name of God unless it is done in an approved way.

Given that the internet contains many places where the name of God is referenced, is the act of closing the browser a sin since it is technically removing that word from the screen? I'm assuming that since the information still exists somewhere (on the remote side server) that the information hasn't technically been destroyed. However, at some point the pages will be revised, the wording will change, and perhaps the name of God will be removed in those future pages.

Is this a huge grey area in the realm of shemos or am I not looking at this from the right angle?

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