Thursday 23 July 2015

tefilla - Missing Barchu at Maariv

If one misses Barchu at the beginning of Maariv, should one say it at the end of Maariv (as is commonly done)? If so when should it be done and who should do it?


I have heard, in the name, if I recall correctly (but it's possible I don't), of Rabbi Avraham Pam (of Torah Vodaas), that there is no benefit in saying bar'chu after maariv after missing at the start, but that it's not a shem l'vatala, as one can technically say bar'chu at any time in the presence of a minyan.

I ask in a followup question whether the above applies also to the case that one missed also birchos k'rias sh'ma and will say them after t'fila b'tzibur.

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