Monday 27 July 2015

minhag - 2 Sifrei Torah for close readings

This morning we read Parashat Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1 - 24:18) and the special reading of Parashat Shekalim (Exodus 30:11-16). The custom everywhere I have ever seen is to remove two Sifrei Torah from the ark for the two readings and to wrap up the first before reading from the second. This custom is very appropriate for other special second readings which are often far apart, as this saves time for the congregation instead of waiting while the scroll is rolled.

However, the readings this morning were only about 8 columns apart from each other! In my mind it is certain that rolling the scroll forward eight columns takes much less time than wrapping up the first Torah and opening the second. This is in fact our practice for the reading on a fast day, which skips from Exodus 32:14 to 34:1, a gap of approximately 2 columns, yet we only use one scroll.

Does anyone suggest using just one scroll when the second reading is this close?

I note that the same question applies to Rosh Chodesh on Parashat Chukat when the gap is from Numbers 22:1 to 28:9, also a gap of about 8 columns.


You are right. There is a Shita of the Meiri Bais HaBechira in Megila that says that on Parshas Shekalim you should only take out one Sefer Torah.

I imagine that the reason the Shulchan Aruch mentions that we use two Sefer Torahs is because of Lo Pelug.

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