Sunday 26 July 2015

death - How was Shmuel permitted to kill Agag?

How was Shmuel Hanavi, who was a nazir (Nazir 66a, Rambam Nezirus 3:16) allowed to kill Agag if in doing so he became tamei l'mais? I am looking for answers other than Shmuel using a wooden sword or him only terminally wounding (but not outright killing) Agag.


Rabbi Reisman in one of his shiurim said that Shmuel could have worn gloves in order to prevent tumas mes. I found the reference when I sent the answer to MailJewish:

From: Hillel (Sabba) Markowitz
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:44:56 -0500

Subject: RE: Thank G-d for Tupperware

From: Andy Goldfinger
That is where Tupperware comes in. It is made of plastic, and to the best of my understanding, plastic is not mekabel tumah (capable of becoming impure). Tupperware, and other plastic implements and utensils will make our lives much easier.

Might Tupperware be a good stock to buy as investment?

Rabbi Reisman in on of his recent tapes brought up the fact that gloves will be needed. He pointed out that when Shmuel killed Agag, or when Pinchas killed Zimri and Kozbi, they could have required gloves so as not to become tamei. IIRC they would have needed two pairs of gloves so that the tum'ah does not cause the gloves (which are now tamei) to make the person tamei. I think that is because the level of tumah for a sword is higher than a regular object that touches a dead body.

The comment about plastic means that a person can wear plastic disposable gloves and not become tamei at all. Just pull out the gloves and put them on before touching anything tamei.

Sounds like a good investment.

Hillel (Sabba) Markowitz -

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