Wednesday 22 July 2015

gentiles - Business with Christians during their holiday periods

According to those who hold that Christianity is avodah zarah, may Jews do business with Christians within three days of Sunday (or if you want, within 3 days of Dec. 25 or Easter) in light of the prohibition (Rambam Avodah Kochavim 9:1). If so, why?


Tosafot in Avoda Zara, 2a s.v. אסור answer this question. (By the way, not every one agrees to the "three days" thing Avodah Zara 7b.)

A: because of איבה, i.e. if Jews never did business with Christians before their holidays this would cause undue hatred of Jews. However, the Tosafot reject this, because there is no hatred, because the Jew could just say that he didn't need to buy from him that day.

B: (not really relevant, because you were asking your question not according to this answer) Christians are not idol worshipers.

C: (Rabbeinu Tam) It is only אסור to sell things to idolaters that will be used as an offering, and it is completely מותר to buy from them.

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