Thursday 30 July 2015

mitzvah - What is the difference between the following words referring to commandments?

What is the difference between the following words?

  • Commandments

  • Law

  • Testimonies

  • Precepts

  • Judgements

  • Statutes

  • Ordinances

Deut 26:16 - 19 reads

16: This day, the Lord, your God, is commanding you to fulfill these statutes and ordinances, and you will observe and fulfill them with all your heart and with all your soul.
17: You have selected the Lord this day, to be your God, and to walk in His ways, and to observe His statutes, His commandments and His ordinances, and to obey Him.
18: And the Lord has selected you this day to be His treasured people, as He spoke to you, and so that you shall observe all His commandments,
19: and to make you supreme, above all the nations that He made, [so that you will have] praise, a [distinguished] name and glory; and so that you will be a holy people to the Lord, your God, as He spoke.

Deut 6:1 reads:

This is the commandment, the statutes, and the ordinances that the Lord, your God, commanded to teach you, to perform in the land into which you are about to pass, to possess it.

There are many other places in the Hebrew Bible where these words appear, but I couldn't quite grasp distinctly what they mean.

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