Wednesday 12 October 2016

usage - Difference between 回復【かいふく】, 修復【しゅうふく】, 復旧【 ふっきゅう】 and 復興【ふっこう】

Here is the sentence:

約{やく}300年{ねん}前{まえ}の絵{かい}画{が}の __ が終{お}わり、~。

This sentence fragment is taken from JLPT1 test book. And there you have to pick one correct answer from 4 words to fill in the blank:

  1. 回復

  2. 修復

  3. 復旧

  4. 復興

The correct answer is 修復, which means "repair", "restoration".

But the meanings of the other three are almost the same. What I want to know is the differences between these words and when each should be used?


回復 is a general word for recovery, though it's often used for economics, healing from injuries / diseases, and the weather getting better:


修復 is used mostly for artifact restorations (like in the question) and relationships:


復旧 and 復興 has been used frequently after the earthquake / tsunami / Fukushima Accident in 2011. In this context, 復旧 is used for recovery of lifelines and roads. 復興 is used in far more long-term sense, which is, resettlement of evacuated people and rebuilding local communities that are lost in the disaster (try search Google Images with 復興).

To add one more word to them, [修理]{しゅうり} is for repairing cars, electrical products, etc.

One more point. when used as する-verbs, 回復 and 復旧 are intransitive (used in the form of ~が◯◯する), whereas 修復 and 修理 are transitive (used as ~を◯◯する). 復興 may be used in both ways. 回復/復旧/復興 can be used transitively in the form of ~を◯◯させる.

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