Sunday 23 October 2016

product recommendation - White booklet that lists key pieces in Ramban Al HaTorah?

I was told there's a small white booklet which lists the main pieces in Ramban Al HaTorah for each parsha. I have asked around and people have told me that it has been out of print for a while.

  1. Does anyone know the official name of this sefer?

  2. Does anyone know where I can find it?



It’s called ציונים לענינים באמונה ויסודות הדת בפירוש הרמב״ן עה״ת.

enter image description here

As pointed out by רבות מחשבות in a comment, the author is R. Yerachmiel David Fried.

Around ten years ago it was available in all the Jerusalem Hebrew bookstores - I have no idea if that is still the case.

I have a copy at home if you have a specific question.

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