Thursday 27 October 2016

ashkenazi - Why do we do hosha'nos and hakafos counterclockwise?

I have attended services in a number of different Ashkenazic synagogues on Sukos and Sh'mini Atzeres/Simchas Tora. When going around the bima for hosha'nos on Sukos, and, in most cases, when doing so for hakafos on Sh'mini Atzeres/Simchas Tora, people went counterclockwise (when viewed from above). Why counterclockwise?


Mishna Berura 660:1:3 says that when the Sefer Torah is on the Bimah those on the Mizrach (eastern wall) turn around to face the Torah their right side is now facing Tzafon (north) therfore they start in that direction.

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