Thursday 20 October 2016

song poetry - Didn't Rivkah also cry when the Jews were exiled?

In the kinos of Tishah B'Av it is clearly stated that Three out of four of the Imahos [matriarchs], (and also the Avos, forefathers, and Bilhah and Zilpah too) cried to Hashem on behalf of the Jews going into exile.

See kinah #26 at length. It ends:

קול בכי לאה מתופפת על לבביה, רחל אחותה מבכה על בניה וזילפה מכה פניה בילהה מקוננת בשתי ידיה

And Hasem responds to all of them:

שובו תמימים למנוחתכם מלא אמלא כל משאלותיכם שלחתי בבלה למענכם הנני משבב גלות בניכם

See kinah #39 which also lists Sarah, Rachel, Leah, Bilhah, and Zilpah, as crying.

I wonder why Rivkah is not listed among the others. Did she not cry??

Related: Rochel's tears vs. Leah's tears

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