Sunday 30 October 2016

adverbs - What's the meaning of the く in 赤くありません?

The way of turning 赤 into an adjective is adding い, but what does it mean when instead of a い you put a く?

I found it in this phrase:


I get the meaning but not the meaning of く.


Keep in mind that Japanese "adjectives" function differently from English adjectives. You are in this case asking us about a い-adjective, 赤い. Those adjectives differ from the な-adjectives, for example 有名{ゆうめい}な:

  • The い or な is attached to those adjectives when used as epithets, i.e. they are attached to a noun:


  • な-adjectives are used with the copula, dropping the な:


  • い-adjectives are "conjugated", you can use them without modifying the copula (sometimes even remove it entirely)! In your example


    If you to turn this sentence into a negative one, you modify the adjective, by appending ~くない, i.e. このリンゴは赤くない(です). See for example this page or this one.


    is not a correct sentence.

Then, as mentioned in the related answer ~くありません is the polite form of ~くない. Thus, it is the polite negative form of the adjective.

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