Friday 21 October 2016

parashat reeh - How is Dvarim 12:21 proof of Oral Torah?

Devarim 12:21 - If the place where the LORD has chosen to establish His name is too far from you, you may slaughter any of the cattle or sheep that the LORD gives you, as I have instructed you; and you may eat to your heart’s content in your settlements.

But, The laws of slaughter are listed in the following verses - Dvarim 12:22-25. There are some in preceding verses too - Dvarim 12:15-18.

It says there what to do with blood for example but it does not say how to kill the animal. How is this proof of Oral Torah?

Why must "As I have Commanded you", be interpreted as:

  • Why Would the Participle Phrase only Modify one portion of the phrase: "slaughter - as I have commanded you" - rather than "slaughter in the place ... as I have commanded you" ... ?

  • Why is "commanded" in this passage, understood to mean, "explained" - "As I have already explained to you" - rather than, "as I have already commanded you" ... ?

Can someone provide clarification? Shemot 24:12 and Devarim 17:18-19 do not say anything about anything else but Written Torah.

Slaughter is a matter of veterinary science pretty much. What is written in our tradition is long outdated. So, how does the peshat / plain-reading of the text suggest that it had been necessary for God to explain the exact process?

Did the Egyptians slaughter their cattle in a much different way?

The reason why actual killing method is not stated anywhere is because we are to slaughter in most humane way possible and that changes as our technology advances. See Shemot 34:6 where it says that God is very kind, so we must be too to the animals we slaughter since we are made in the image of God.

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