Friday 28 October 2016

torah service - Can someone called for one of the Shabbat or Yom Tov aliyot be called again for maftir?

I think the title of the question is self-explanatory.Something to consider:

Maftir seems to be separate from the other aliyot specified in Talmud Megilah.

Would it matter if the person who had maftir was the same Cohen that received the Cohen aliyah, or Levi who received the same Levi aliyah?


It appears from the Aruch Hashulchan in the last line of סימן קמד - שלא לדלג בתורה מעניין לעניין, ודיני ההפטרה that in extenuating circumstances one could call up for Maftir a person who already had an Aliya.

. ובכלל אין לעשות כן שאחד יעלה שני פעמים אלא בשעת הדחק (שם). וכתבו דהמהרי''ל עלה ללוי וגם למפטיר, ואולי היה מוכרח לזה מאיזה טעם.‏

He doesn't specify what counts as extenuating circumstances.

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