Saturday 29 October 2016

korban - What is "the door of the tent of meeting" in Leviticus 1:3?

Leviticus 1:3 and many following verses specify that burnt offerings (and various other offerings) are to be brought to "the door of the tent of meeting."

What, exactly, is "the door of the tent of meeting" specified here?

  1. Is it the entrance to the courtyard of the Tabernacle? or

  2. Is it the entrance to the Holy Place?

Please provide specific references to the Tanakh, preferably to the Torah, to support your answer.

Though this may be a simple question (and I think I know the answer), I am looking for definitive references to support it based on the construction and use of the Tabernacle as commanded and described in the Torah.

In particular, I am looking for references that clearly show that it is one, and not the other, of these two possibilities.

Thank you.

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