Sunday 23 October 2016

safety - Can't liquid flow through chemical splash goggles' vent caps?

I was reading about Pyramex's G204 Google, and don't understand the first bullet. Please see the question in the title.


  • Chemical splash goggle features vent caps to restrict influx of liquids.

  • Scratch resistant polycarbonate lens provides 99% UVA/B/C protection.

The Reddit comments below don't clarify if vented googles, indirect or direct, resist liquid and gas. They appear to imply that a direct shot or spray into the vents can still infiltrate the goggle.

Good chemical splash goggles? : chemistry

Indirectly vented goggles have an air-lock type system to prevent a direct spray shooting into the goggle if you do get splashed in the face.

Good chemical splash goggles? : chemistry

I think indirectly vented means there is no straight line a drop of liquid or particle can follow to get past the vent holes.

The requirement of closed goggles might also be safety theater, most splattering hits the lenses first. I have walked around labs for months and nothing hit my goggles.

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