Thursday 20 October 2016

maariv - What is special about praying Shacharis and Mariv (as opposed to Mincha)?

Praying Shacharis and Mariv (morning and evening prayers) is listed as one of the things "sheodom oychel peiroisehem..." (A person eats of the fruit in this world but principle is left to be enjoyed in the next world). Yet it's Shacharis and Mincha (afternoon prayers) that are obligated in the Torah. So why not mention Mincha but Mariv instead?


It seems to be that it is not necessarily praying Shachris and Maariv, but rather "hashkamas beis hamidrash" at those times. The verse is thus not calling out davening but synagogue attendance.

Since Mincha is often prayed "on the go" or as an interruption to the work day, it would stand to reason that it is more common to attend communal prayers in the morning and the evening.

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