Thursday 13 October 2016

halacha - Why would muscovy duck be treif?

Wikipedia's article on R' Dr. Bernard (Yissochor Dov) Illowy cites this article, which says that "It’s the muscovy duck that’s highly controversial, due to its ban in America by the ascerbic Rabbi Bernard Illowy in the mid 1800’s."

Why would the muscovy duck be treif and what is the source for R' Illowy's assertion?


The kosher status of birds differs from that of animals and fish, in that there are no biblically based physical indicators and thus today the determination is made based on tradition (mesorah). Rabbi Illoway, upon seeing the muscovy in New Orleans, determined it was a novel species for which he was unable to find a reliable tradition. With the support of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and Rabbi Nathan Adler, he therefore declared it nonkosher. further details can be found in this article on the subject:

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