Friday 7 October 2016

halacha - What does "prohibited l’chatchila" mean?

To me the phrase prohibited l’chatchila seems a bit confusing. Can someone explain what this means in plain and simple english?

(context: someone says "action X is prohibited l’chatchila")


"L'chatchila" means "from the outset", meaning that before one did action 'x' the halacha was that it was forbidden. However, if one was not familiar with that halacha and did action 'x' without knowing that there was a problem, then "b'di'eved" ("after the fact") the halacha might be different, meaning the consequences of what was done would change.

In practice this means that if one goes to their LOR and says "I did this, now what?", the Rabbi might say: "L'chatchila that was forbidden, but b'di'eved, since you didn't know, its not as big of a problem (or whatever the halacha b'di'eved is)".

For actual halachic examples this website gives one:

L'chatchila — a priori. Refers to the ideal halachic condition. L'chatchila we don't prepare pareve food in a meat pot if we intend to eat the food with milk.

B'dieved — a posteriori. Refers to an acceptable halachic position but one that is short of ideal. B'dieved pareve food that was prepared in a meat pot that was mixed with dairy may be eaten.

For actual questions of practical halacha always CYLOR.

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