Sunday 16 October 2016

halacha - Should one living in Israel leave?

The Torah commands us, ‘Venishmartem meod lenafshotechem' ['You shall take care exceedingly of your lives' — Deut. 4:15).

It seems anyone living in Israel is in grave danger due to the recent advances in missile technology and WMP by Arab enemies who are hell-bent on destroying Israel.

Given the clear life threatening danger of staying in Israel, does the above Torah commandment apply, whereby one should pack up and move out?

Some say that Israel relies on miracles so it's OK, but the Talmud in Shabbat 32a says clearly that one should never put himself in danger and rely on a miracle.

ADDITION here's a source for the current seriousness of the situation: "Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recently said that Israel is “the most threatened nation on the planet.” He was referring to the threatening ring of missiles aimed at the Jewish state from regimes such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran"

another source (2016-2-3)

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