Sunday 16 October 2016

grammar - Use of から vs を with 出て行く?:

Why are we using から and not を in the following sentence?:


I ask because the normal particle with 出る is を (eg 家を出る) so why do we have から here? My dictionary has the following sentence:

部屋から出て来なさい|Come out of your room.

Do the 行く・来る verbs which normally take から in some way dominate over other verbs related to the action if the other verb is intransitive?


から is really only used to designate the location/point/time from which things start, whereas を is a rather generic particle.

Because of this, から makes the reader mentally picture a time range (今夜から明日にかけて雪になります), a motion (東京から大阪へは3時間かかります), a coverage (揺りかごから墓場まで), etc. In contrast, を just doesn't have this sense of motion/breadth/width. And so when this effect is useful, you'll intentionally choose から.

In the sentence you give, I think this is why the author went for から, even though を would have been OK, too. Here, we are talking about someone ending a relationship and moving out. The emphasis on the movement by から reinforces the split better, compared to 家を出て行って.

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