Friday 30 September 2016

tefilla - Too fast or no minyan?

Suppose the only minyan available for someone to attend is one which moves far too fast for him. Even with arriving early and starting ahead of time, he only has time to say a fraction of psukei d'zimra if he wants to daven shmoneh esrei with the minyan. Suppose it would either not be possible for him to arrive early enough to daven the whole davening in time for shmoneh esrei with the group or extremely inconvenient (such as a very early pre-work minyan). Would it be preferable for him to stay home and daven on his own while saying all of psukei d'zimra with focus and attention, or is it better for him to rush, not saying all of it, but saying shmoneh esrei with a minyan?


According to My Rav

  • Say Elokai Neshama, Bircat HaTorah, and Bircat HaShachar

  • Say Baruch She'Amar, Ashrei, and Yishtabach

If you can put on tallit and tefillin, and say just the above passages, in the time that it takes the rest of the minyan to say all of Psukei D'Zimra, then it's better to do so, in order to pray with a minyan.

This is assuming that the person is able to keep up with the minyan for shema and shemoneh esreh itself.

If not, (quote from above link)

If one notices that he does not have time to say these berachot [bircat hatorah, elokai, bircat hashachar] and Ashrei and still succeed in praying with the minyan, he should pray individually without omitting anything.

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