Sunday 25 September 2016

halacha - Asking another Rabbi

What are the parameters and conditions of when one is allowed (and not allowed) to ask another Rabbi once he/she got a Psak from the first Rabbi?


I believe the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch says you must tell Rabbi #2 that you already asked Rabbi #1 (and honestly convey both your question as posed to him, and his answer!).

The Chochmas Adam has more guidelines on dealing with poskim and psakim; hopefully I'll have more info later.

This assumes that rabbis 1 and 2 are just random rabbis you ask.

However, sometimes a rabbi is in a position of exclusive authority over a certain sphere, at which point it could be obligatory to follow his rulings vis-a-vis that sphere. Rabbi Mordechai Willig believes that an Israeli soldier may ask his home-town rabbi a personal-only question like "what text should I use for my personal prayers?" Any question affecting the army's performance must go to an army rabbi. (Though Rabbi Gil Student cites a differing view here, that one may confirm with one's personal rabbi that the army rabbi's psak was within the boundaries of reason.)

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