Saturday 24 September 2016

parshanut torah comment - Is Ber. 26 in the proper chronological place?

In Bereishit 25 twins are born and they grow up. Though I don't know how old they are by the end of the perek, they are at least 13. Then in perek 26, there is a famine and Yitzchak must go to Gerar. Though he goes with his wife, no mention is made of his taking his twins with him. The next mention of the children is with Eisav's getting married at the age of 40.

If the famine was severe how did Ya'akov and Eisav survive? Did they go down to Gerar with their parents and it wasn't mentioned (which would make the artifice of "She is my sister" unbelievable) or were they not born yet and this chapter actually precedes the events of the previous chapter?

I know that there is no authoritative list of examples of "ein mukdam" but are there any commentaries which claim that this is out of order, or otherwise explain the omission of the two sons from the events (even if they were approaching 40, they would still need to eat).

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