Friday 23 September 2016

Time scaling in DFT?

Let $x[n]$ be a real signal whose length $N$ is even. Let $y[n]=x[2n]+jx[2n+1]$ a signal whose length is $M=\frac{N}{2}$. $X[k]$ for $k=0,...,N-1$ and $Y[k]$ for $k=0,...,M-1$ are the respective DFTs of those signals. Find $Y[k]$ as a function of $X[k]$.

I haven't been able to find a scaling time property for the DFT. I read all the Oppenheim-Schafer's discrete signals book and found nothing about the subject. I tried doing it by definition but I just can't realize what the relationship between both DFTs is.


This is a classic exercise and it shows you how to obtain the DFT of a real-valued length $N$ signal in terms of the DFT of a length $N/2$ complex-valued signal.

You have to write $X[k]$ in terms of the even and odd samples of $x[n]$. With $W_N=e^{-j2\pi /N}$ you get


where $y_R[n]$ and $y_I[n]$ are the real and imaginary parts of $y[n]$, respectively, and $Y_e[k]$ and $Y_o[k]$ are the even and odd parts of $Y[k]$. Eq. $(1)$ shows that after having computed the length $N/2$ DFT $Y[k]$, you need to split it into its even an odd parts, and from them you can obtain the length $N$ DFT $X[k]$.

Obtaining $Y[k]$ from $X[k]$ is also possible, even though that's usually the less practical problem, because often you have an FFT routine that takes complex input signals, so it's more efficient to compute a lenght $N$ FFT of a real-valued sequence by computing a length $N/2$ FFT of a complex-valued sequence. Anyway, $Y[k]$ is given by


With $W_{N/2}^n=W_N^{2n}$, the first term on the right-hand side of $(2)$ can be written as


where I used $(-1)^n=W_N^{nN/2}$.

Eq. $(3)$ shows that decimation in the time domain corresponds to aliasing in the frequency domain, as expected.

In a completely analogous manner, the last term in Eq. $(2)$ can be written as


Substituting $(3)$ and $(4)$ into $(2)$ gives the final solution:


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