Thursday 22 September 2016

purim - Meggilah Minyan

Does meggilah require a Minyan And why and how far must one go to get one?(there is a great story about the Gra with this one)


I just found this answer:

The mitzvah of reading the Megillah applies to both men and women. Optimally, the reading should be done in the presence of a minyan (a quorum of ten men), in the synagogue. Even if one has a minyan in his home, it is still preferable to go to the synagogue for the Megillah reading since, as the verse says (Proverbs, 14:28):"The King's Glory is [manifested] in the multitude.” Since one of the reasons that we read the Megillah is to publicize the miracles of Purim, this is best accomplished when it is read publicly in the synagogue.


I think, though, that it is widely held that if one is stuck without a Minyan, one can - and should - still read/hear the Megillah without a Minyan. It is widely practiced that people go around to shut-ins and hospitals to read Megillah to individuals. I don't see why this would be the case if it did not fulfill the Mitzvah.

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