Friday 23 September 2016

minhag - Earliest source for dipping apple in honey on Rosh Hashana

What is the earliest source for the custom of dipping an apple in honey on Rosh Hashana?

(It is found in the Tur (Siman 683), the Abudraham (quoted by the Rama there) - believed to be a student of the Tur, and the Maharil (who lived about 50 years later). I am searching for any possible earlier source than these.)


The honey has been around at least since the times of the Ge'onim; see Otzar HaGe'onim to Rosh HaShanah 32b (p. 53). Footnote ח (ad loc.) suggests that the Agudah had a version of a responsum from the Geonim which explicitly mentioned the custom of apples and honey. Either way, the custom definitely dates back at least to the days of the Agudah, who died in 1349. A small detail though - he says apples and honey, so I don't know if he means apples in honey or if that was just a further evolution of this custom.

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