Friday 30 September 2016

grammar - What's the difference between saying 私は日本語を話しません vs 私は日本語が話しません?



I've seen both versions on the Internet. Maybe only one is the correct version? Maybe both?


日本語が話しません is ungrammatical. It sounds very unnatural. The following is the summary of what is OK and what is not:

  • 私は日本語話しません: OK

  • 私は日本語話しません: OK

  • 私は日本語話しません: Wrong!

  • 私は日本語話せません: OK

  • 私は日本語話せません: OK

  • 私は日本語話せません: OK

話す is a transitive verb (like English "speak"), so basically its object must be marked with を. But there are several exceptions you have to consider.

  • Exception (1): When the object is decorated by the topic marker, をは turns into は (or は replaces を).

  • Exception (2): When the verb is potential, the object can be marked with が, too. (話せる is the potential form of 話す)

  • Exception (3): Using two は in one sentence is fine in a negative sentence. 私は日本語は話します is still grammatical, but the second は will have a strong contrastive meaning.

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