Wednesday 28 September 2016

clothing - Permissibility of Wearing Shorts

Is there anything wrong with men wearing shorts (i.e. short pants)?

If there is, why would it be any different than wearing short sleeves?


Piskei Teshuvos in the beginning of Siman 2 cites Igros Moshe and other Acharonim who delineate the guidelines of modesty as it applies to men. The points that emerge are:

1) Modest dressing for men is not an absolute obligation, but it is very significant (וצריך ליזהר etc.)

2) The definition of immodest in this respect is if you'd be embarrassed to be seen like that in your house by a casual guest.

3) Thus, there is room for leniency to wear short sleeves etc. due to the heat. [Whether this applies to shorts would probably depend on the person and the norms of his community. There are people who would not be caught dead wearing shorts; for them it is presumably a problem.]

4) Nevertheless, a Talmid Chacham should be stringent in these matters, taking care to "walk modestly before Hashem" as much as possible. Even though most people do not qualify as a Talmid Chacham nowadays, it is appropriate for anyone to increase his level of modesty.

Note: The halachos are more stringent with regard to davening. What is allowed in general may not be appropriate during prayer.

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