Friday 2 September 2016

organic chemistry - How to determine if a reaction proceeds via SN1, SN2, E1 or E2 mechanism?

enter image description here Give the main product and reaction type: SN1, SN2, E1 , E2.

As the 1-bromohexane is primary and the nucleophile a strong unhindered base, the reaction should be a SN2 reaction. However, the solvent $\ce{EtOH}$ is a polar protic solvent which favours SN1/E1 reactions. In addition, the temperature of the reaction is quite high and high temperatures favour the formation of elimination reactions, thus the reaction should be E1. But an E1 doesn't require a strong base, or else an E2 reaction would take place at the beginning. So does that make this reaction an E2 reaction? Am I thinking correctly on how to consider all the different parts of the reaction?

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