I have been asked to compile a booklet containing the Shacharit service for a special occasion. The printed booklets (currently 60 pages long, double-sided 2-per-page, so 15 pieces of paper each) will probably never be used after the occasion and would have to be put in sheimos. I would like to modify the relevant names and words in the text to avoid this.
- Is printing single-use siddurim that would need to be put in sheimos a bad idea, possibly because it is disrespectful to the holiness of the siddur, or maybe just wasteful?
- Is removing the holy names an inappropriate / disrespectful thing to do to a siddur?
- After modification, would the booklet possibly still be required to be put in sheimos simply because of its nature as a siddur?
Please supply your sources or reasoning for your answers.
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