Monday 30 May 2016

halacha - Secular Names for Days of the Week

Is there a problem using the secular names for the days of the week?

If there is a problem, is it because:

1) The names originally come from Polytheistic gods


2) The people forbidding them are doing so because they believe we should distance ourselves from anything secular.

I know in addition to the Hebrew names, there are Yiddish names I have seen used.


Because of the OP's concern, the Pri Megadim actually writes that one should not use the Yiddish names for the days of the week, but this ruling does not seem to be followed. In truth, as other answers mentioned, it is not such a problem because nobody worships those gods anymore.

Moreover, according to the Satmar Rebbe and Rabbi Menachem Kasher, the commandment to start counting the week from Shabbos only means that once a day a person should mention how many days have passed since Shabbos. Because we already do this in the liturgical introduction to the Shir Shel Yom, we need not follow that directive the rest of the day and can use other terms/names for the days of the week.

SOURCE: "Uttering the Names of Idols" by Reuven Cham Klein printed in the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society vol. 73, pgs. 5-21.

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